Remember Me Red

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I had a shocking conversation with Maya as I was putting her to bed last night. There obviously was a little more to it than this, but here are the good parts.
Maya: I kissed a boy at school today.
Me: What?!?!
Maya: I kissed a boy at school today.
Me: On the lips??
Maya: Yes. (Giggle, Giggle.....)
Me: Why?
Maya: I want to marry him.
Me: What's he look like?
Maya: Well, . . . he had on this REALLY cool Spiderman shirt.
A few questions later:
Maya: I don't think he's going to wear it to the wedding though.
Me and Maya: LOL!!!!!!
Yikes! I think we may have our hands full with this one in the coming years.