Remember Me Red

Monday, May 16, 2011

Adoption Update #3

I know, I know what about update #2 you might ask. Well, as you know we got our first update the first part of February and after one month on the wait list we had already moved up 2 places from #9 to #7. Then update #2 came the first part of March and we hadn't moved at all. We didn't get an update in April, because the Taiwan case manager was in Taiwan and then on vacation. So I finally got our update call the first week of May and I was shocked to find out we are now #3! I had heard different things through the grapevine over the last month or so that made me think we were #5, but I was really surprised to learn that we were already at #3. So, I went home after work and told Jeff that I had gotten the call from Kate. I asked him and Maya to guess what number we were on the wait list. Jeff guessed that we had moved backwards somehow and were now at #9 again?? Then Maya thought about it a little and said #3. I said, "You're right!". Jeff was shocked and excited just like I was. Maya was excited too, although I'm not sure if it was excitement about being #3 or about guessing the right answer! Anyway, this means we have moved up 6 spaces in 4 months time. Let's just pray that this type of progress continues!

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