Remember Me Red

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kindergarten Graduate

First Day of School

Last Day of School
Well, Maya’s last day of Kindergarten was yesterday.  She has learned so much this year.  I was worried when she started Kindergarten that it would be a lot of review for her and I’m sure some of it was, like recognizing letters and the sounds they make, etc. , but she also learned a lot.  Before she started Kindergarten last fall she didn’t seem to be interested in learning to read.  She had one book that she knew how to read, but wasn’t really interested in trying others.  Now she can read pretty much anything, with a little help now and then.  She even checked her first chapter book out from the library a few weeks ago.  They also did a lot of writing in her class.  They kept journals throughout the year about what was happening in their lives.  She wrote a report about spiders and many stories that she made up.  She is a very good writer and seems to really like it.  They learned about money and she can tell you whose picture is on the different denominations of money.  They must have also studied weather, because she keeps telling me if there are cirrus, cumulus or cumulonimbus clouds in the sky.  Recently, they learned all about Iowa.  She can sing the state song and tell you what our state flag says on it.  They talked all year about the 7 Habits of Happy Kids from The Leader in Me.  Since I said I didn’t know what the 7 habits were, she said she thought she was smarter than me!  She also made many new friends and boyfriends!  After reporting to me that she had kissed a boy just a few days into the school year, I then heard more recently about who her new boyfriend was every now and then.  First, there was Noah, then Soren, Vincent and Safvet, I think.  Now she says she doesn’t have a boyfriend, instead she just has good friends that are boys.  Phew!

Last Day of School!


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